On the LJ facebook/twitter Issues

Sep 02, 2010 12:52

I know I am going to get flamed for this and that this is a delicate issue for a lot of people, but...

Text on LJ has never been copy-guarded.

No matter how many layers of filters you put up, it is not copyguarded. You have to show a modicum of trust that people on your list will not do that. If you are on one of my filters, I assume you know better than to repost what I say onto facebook or twitter in a compromising fashion with or without the new integration features.

If you aren't, then when I find out I will deal with you, with or without the new integration features. I trust you with what I post here, don't give me reason to second-guess myself on that.

Sure, the features makes it easier for someone to do something stupid, but it also makes it more traceable if they do, and the capacity to "do something stupid" has always been there. Maybe it is just me, but I can't see any new privacy concerns, just a somewhat easier mechanism in place to trace it when privacy is breeched.

That all having been said: I am not integrating them on this account. I see no point in doing so.

news, random, livejournal

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