Jan 02, 2004 21:57
Today was interesting.. It was the first day I didn't take my meds in 4 days and I feel like me, and even though it was sucha short period of time.. I missed myself.
Every time I have an episode with my meds I realise more and more why I don't do drugs.
Bradley and I are on a two week spree with seeing eachother every day, and it's pretty nice. We seem really close now because we act just like friends, then there are those other great aspects of the relationship.
Im more tired than usual, and feel more useless than ever.
I've slacked off with school so much, IT'S SO INSANELY EASY I have no excuse.
I wish I could just be smart in my own way and screw school because I have more common sence than most of America. *sigh*
Journal entries: 100
Comments: Posted: 413 - Received: 341
This Amuses me.. I've never kept one journal long enough for this..
Im having an amazing conversation with somebody right now, so Im going to go.
P.S. E-bay Is the devil.