May 19, 2003 21:58
Ok,I have a rather amusing IM conversation to post between me and my friend Ryan. I will give you a little background info so you will understand what's going on, but you're not going to fully "get it" unless you know Ryan. I think then you may be quite amused. Ok so here we go with the background info.
........Recently I went to go see The Matrix Reloaded with my totally platonic friend Ryan...poor him his GF was visiting her ailing g-ma in St.Louis.
So anyways, before I left my mother wanted to have a little chitchat about the dangers of boys and dark movie theaters. For some reason she thought that Ryan was instituting some evil plan to get me alone so that he could rape me. She reasons that he is filled with resentment because I did not want to date him....hello he HAS A GF!....anyways, as I was saying, so my mom thinks Ryan wants to rape me to soothe his little man insecurities. Her solution you ask? I should date him, other wis I am might "get myself" raped. Sure mom.....
Biglefty2126: hey
Rout66Girl: hey
Biglefty2126: whats up
Rout66Girl: nuthin much
Rout66Girl: what about u?
Biglefty2126: not a whole lot
Biglefty2126: listenin to some nirvana right now
Rout66Girl: :-(....mine still won't dl
Biglefty2126: ouch
Rout66Girl: oh, hey I updated my lj
Biglefty2126: fun stuff
Rout66Girl: ......just in case you fancy to read it.....
Biglefty2126: i do
Biglefty2126: although it wont open it
Biglefty2126: maybe tomorrow
Rout66Girl: noo, what a bitch
Biglefty2126: yesm
Biglefty2126: does it have anything about ur mom thinking im a rapist in it?
Biglefty2126: lol
Biglefty2126: or not
Rout66Girl: *tehee*
Rout66Girl: that cracks me up
Rout66Girl: I laugh uncontrollably just thinking about it
Biglefty2126: im too easy going for that sorta thing
Biglefty2126: ya honestly can u even picture me even attempting to rape someone
Biglefty2126: umm mam u need to take ur clothes off
Biglefty2126: and lay down for me please
Rout66Girl: lol
Biglefty2126: id stutter so much
Rout66Girl: I don't really WANT to picture that
Biglefty2126: id prolly walk out anyway
Biglefty2126: ummm mam umm i i i i i am going to fffforce u to ddddo mmme nnow
Biglefty2126: okAAy
Biglefty2126: id crack on the ok like i was 10 again
Biglefty2126: o wow itd be so bad
Rout66Girl: LOL
Rout66Girl: *rolls on the floor w/laughter"
Rout66Girl: *
Rout66Girl: I am going to post this conversation on my lj
Biglefty2126: u should itd be funny
Rout66Girl: I know, exactly
Biglefty2126: mmmmamm if u dontttt g g g give me nnnookkkie, illlll hav have to sh sh sh shoot yyyyou in ttthe f fa ff face
Rout66Girl: *kicks you in nuts*
Rout66Girl: * laughs fanatically as your little boner goes plip plop*
Biglefty2126: ok i see ur not interested (in high preteen voice)
Biglefty2126: u have no idea about the size so thats for me to make fun of
Rout66Girl: yes I do....
Biglefty2126: no u really dont
Biglefty2126: really
Biglefty2126: id rather leave little ryan out of it
Rout66Girl: so send me a picture
Biglefty2126: no michelle no
Biglefty2126: then ur mom would REALLY have a reason to worry
Rout66Girl: *pouts*
Rout66Girl: what she doesn't see won't worry her
Biglefty2126: no thats just odd and disgusting
Biglefty2126: y would u want one anyway
Rout66Girl: I know, thats why I am not being serious
Biglefty2126: damn u computer typing
Rout66Girl: hehehe
Rout66Girl: no vocal inflection makes Ryan a suseptable boy
Biglefty2126: ya
Biglefty2126: now if i could hear ur voice id know whats going on
Rout66Girl: duh..
Biglefty2126: i didnt honestly think u wanted a picture
Rout66Girl: yes you did!
Biglefty2126: no
Rout66Girl: you know you did
Biglefty2126: i was wondering y we were even having the conversation about it to begin with
Rout66Girl: why do we have any conversation?
Biglefty2126: there never really is a point is there?
Rout66Girl: not really
Biglefty2126: hey gotta go cya
Rout66Girl: bye