Fun Night

Aug 16, 2003 23:43

Well tonight was a good time, and that's what I was really in the mood for. More than in the mood for maybe, and more virging on what I needed. Alyssa, Janie, and drove to the village of Chatham to see the boy in the band that Alyssa is near obsessed with. Yes, the Heterosapians, from whom she recieved the sacred spork, which is mounted on her wall with scotch tape, a tribute to these all mighty rock gods....:P AAAAAAnyways, so there was good music and a moshpit which fluctuated between 2 and 4 boys, plus Alyssa. That was fun to watch.
Then there is the matter of the boy. As we were walking away from the stage after the Heterosapiens' show, a boy looks up and asks us to "commune" with him. Of course as befuddled as we are, the three of us (Janie, Alyssa, me) sit down on the grass with him. After the first few sentences the confusion was resolved, in my head at least, because he was extremely stoned, or so it seemed. Although upon closer inspection there were no signs of inebriation. His eyes were not bloodshot and his pupils were not dialated. His motor skills were not impaired, beyond what one would expect of a somewhat gangly, awkward 17 year old boy trying to "dance/mosh", and neither his breath nor clothing smelled of liquor. This again led to confusion, because he was acting extremely friendly in very bizzare way, dropping lines like "You know, Jim Morrison, of The Doors, says I love you before he asks for your name in one of his songs." (This makes sense later) Okay, after some more bizzare conversation and some attempts at moshing, this boy and his two friends left. They returned an hour or so later and this time came and sat with me and Janie and Alyssa at the picknick table we had managed to claim. This is where the Doors line, spoken earlier, makes sense. Right off the bat, the kid I was talking to before, Matt, asks me what I think about making out with strangers. His friends, Grant and some other nameless guy go and sit with Janie and Alyssa. Grant gets head massage by Janie and Alyssa. Meanwhile, I am telling Matt that I've never made out with a stranger, he asks if I want to, and I tell him he has to make the move cuz I really haven't the slightest fucking idea what I'm doing making out with a stranger. So he leans in and kisses me.......It really wasn't all that good, but I was in the mood tonight. Guess I was just horny. He was all slobbery and teethy, and his tounge was down my throat. However, it was good fun, and afterwards I sort of had that feeling of relief you get like right after you vomit or get to pee when you've been holding it for awhile. We had a nice in depth chat with one another, discussed goals for the future, regrets, dreams ect ect. But here's the thing, he never even asked for my name, and I wouldn't have known his had Alyssa not got it from his friend. I don't even think I care whether or not I know his name. I don't think I care if I ever see or talk to him again. I was horny and I wanted something to happen with a guy, and thats all, no strings attatched, just some fun. And I'm sure thats all he wanted, he didn't give a shit about anything else either. He was the one who initiated it, so why should I have to feel shallow?
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