Title: Seeing Past La Vie en Rose
Fandom: American Idol S8
Pairing: Kris Allen/Adam Lambert
Genre: Romance Movie AU
Word Count: 22,918
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Strong Sexual Content
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The plot for Sabrina belongs to Paramount Pictures and all celebrities belong to themselves.
Notes: Written for the 2012 round of
kradambigbang with lovely art done by
deannawesson. Go visit her master post
here and share the love! Thank you to
balefully for making sure my porn doesn't suck and a huge round of thanks to the KradamBangers Mailing List for all the support and for keeping my paranoia levels down to a dull roar. Beta-ed by
Summary: Before moving to LA to live out his dream of being a rock star Adam was just the chauffeur's son in the eyes of Brad Bell. Now he is back in Dallas for the holidays and has finally caught Brad's eye, much to the consternation of Brad's family and fiance. It falls on Kris to distract Adam away from Brad, only Kris has never had to fake his affection for Adam. Adam soon learns that sometimes the person you have always wanted isn't the person you have always needed. Based on the 1954 movie
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Part Two|
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