GOGOBOX Tutorial!

May 03, 2011 00:11

Something I promised Elf I would post here :D

Just a word of warning though, this step-by-step kind of thing is probably something among the Things I Fail At Most (As In At A Degree On Par With Sho), though I've screencapped and broken things down the best I can

Please let me know if there are things I missed out, or if something is too confusing, or if you'd like to know more about something, and I'll add it here (:

Part 1: Registering an account

Step 1: Go to http://www.gogobox.com.tw/

Step 2: On the left of the page, click on the registration button (outlined in red)

Step 3: You’ll see this page requesting you to fill in your account info

  • Line 1: Username (Alphanumeric, between 4-12 letters) 
  • Line 2: Password (Case sensitive, between 4-8 letters, can be alphanumeric and include symbols) 
  • Line 3: E-mail address (e.g. _____@_____. Please be careful when using e-mail such as Yahoo!Mail as they often get filtered into junk mail)
Step 4: When you’ve filled in all the boxes, click the confirm button (outlined in red above)

Step 5: This pop-up will appear. Click ‘OK’

Step 6: You’ll reach this page confirming your registration.

Step 7: Go to your e-mail. You’ll find an e-mail from GOGOBOX (Note: Please check your junk mail too!)
This is your account activation e-mail. Click on the activation link in the e-mail (outlined in red)

Step 8: You’ll see this form requesting for you to fill in your particulars. Your username and e-mail should be there already.

  • Line 1: Your name  
  • Line 2: Your security question (You’ll have to answer this if you want to change your password or e-mail)
    Select a question from the dropbox.
    Question 1: What is your pet’s name?
    Question 2: What is your favourite car?
    Question 3: Who is the person you admire the most?
    Question 4: What is your favourite food?
    Question 5: What is your name? 
  • Line 3: Type your answer to your security question in the first box. Type the same answer again in the second box to confirm. 
  • Line 4: Your gender (男 for male, 女 for female) 
  • Line 5: Your birthday (First box (年): year, second box (月): month, third box (日): day) 
  • Line 6: Where you live (Select your country from the dropbox) 
  • Line 7: Security code. (Copy the numbers outlined in red box 1) 
  • Line 8: Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions (red box 2) 
  • Line 9: Click ‘Confirm’. (red box 3)
Step 9: If you see this notice, you’ve successfully completed your registration! :D

Part 2: Setting up GOGOBOX software on your computer

Step 1: Go to http://www.gogobox.com.tw/ again

Step 2: Sign in using the log-in box on the left as outlined in red

  • Line 1: Username
  • Line 2: Password
  • Check option: Sign in securely
  • Click the blue button (outlined in red above) to sign in.
Step 3: Your log-in box should now be showing your account details.
To download the software, click the button in the lower toolbar called 下载主程式 (outlined in red on the diagram).

Step 4: Run the program (GOGOBoxSetup.exe) and install it. (If the software shows up in weird characters like it does on my computer (hence the lack of caps), just keep on clicking the second button to the right.)

Step 5: The program should open automatically.

If you’re not signed in automatically (you see the message in the red box and don’t see your username there), proceed to Step 6. If not, proceed to Part 3. If you're signed in, you should see your username there like in the screencap in Step 8.

Step 6: To sign in, click the blue button (outlined in red)

Step 7: This small box should show up.

  • Line 1: Username
  • Line 2: Password
  • Check both boxes if you want to sign in automatically next time.
  • Then click the giant blue button labeled 登入.
Step 8: You should now see your username in the top bar (I’ve blurred my username out in the screencap)

Part 3: How to download from a GOGOBOX

For this tutorial, I’ll be downloading from 5c’s Gogobox (http://gogobox.com.tw/5c)
You should see something like this when you scroll down.
The layout is basically (colours is what I outlined them in on the cap)
  • Red box: Folders in the Gogobox
  • Orange box: List of files
  • Pink circle: Download button

Step 1: To download a file (or files), tick the box (or boxes) next to the file.

Step 2: Click the download button (circled in pink above)

Step 3: A confirmation window should pop up listing the files you’ve chosen to download

  • Here we have two download buttons: High-speed download (orange button) or normal download (white, second button to the left).
  • If you have redeemed mileage for high-speed download quota, pick the orange button, but since this tutorial is for beginners, most likely you won’t have any mileage yet, so we’ll click the second button (outlined in red above).
Step 4: A small window will pop-up above after you press the button.

  • Click the blue button because you’ve already installed the software.
  • Do not close the window because it is sending the information to the download software.
Step 5: When you see this message, close the window and check your Gogobox software.

Step 6: Your Gogobox software should now have the files you chose in the download queue.
Click the big blue button (開始下载) (outlined in red below) to begin downloading.


1. Why can’t I see any files in the GOGOBOX?

Well, the Gogobox could be empty, but chances are, the box was made members-only, so in order to see the files, you’ll have to join the box. If you aren’t a member, you’ll see that your status (outlined in the red box) is 客人 (guest). So to join, make sure you’re logged in, then

Step 1: Click the button ‘加入BOX’ (circled in pink).

Step 2: This window should pop up confirming that you’ve joined.

Step 3: Click the blue button at the bottom to close the window.
You should be able to see the files now!

2. How do I change my download settings?

The tabs at the top of your GOGOBOX software are
1: Download, 2: Upload, 3: Settings, 4: Mileage, 5: Privacy Policy

Step 1: Go to the third tab (設定)

Step 2: Change the download destination in the box (outlined in red above)

Step 3: Save your settings by clicking the button below (circled in pink above)

3. How do I use high-speed download?

When you leave GOGOBOX running, or even minimized in your toolbar, as long as you’re signed in, you will earn 10 mileage points for every hour you keep it open. When you’ve accumulated 3000 points, you may exchange it for 2GB worth of high-speed download.

However, the maximum you can accumulate is 3000 as well, meaning that even if you leave it running, as long as you’ve hit the 3000 maximum, your points will simply remain at the 3000 cap.

4. How do I check the amount of mileage I’ve accumulated?

The fourth tab in the GOGOBOX software (哩程数) shows that the mileage is clocking, but doesn’t show the total accumulated. To check,

Step 1: Go to http://www.gogobox.com.tw

Step 2: Log-in on the left if you haven’t. If you have, you will see your account details. In your account details, you’ll be able to see the total amount of mileage points you have accredited to your account (boxed in red).
(Note: The mileage updates daily between 3-4a.m., so it won’t help if you check back every hour)

5. How do I exchange mileage points for high-speed download quota?

Step 1: Do Steps 1 and 2 in FAQuestion 4.

Step 2: Click on the amount of mileage you’ve accumulated. (the number)

Step 3: You should be directed to this window.

As you can see, I have accumulated 3000 points, so I’m eligible to exchange them for 2GB worth of download. (FYI: The 5GB and 10GB exchanges are only for premium members, who must be registered with a local (i.e. Taiwan etc) mobile number)

To exchange, click the button at the 2GB exchange (outlined in red).

The points should be deducted from your mileage amount.

To start downloading a file in high-speed, download as usual, but instead of clicking the second white download button in the download confirmation pop-up, click the bright orange one instead.

extras: tutorial

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