man everybody is gettin this background that is hard as hell to read. all of you are gonna make my go blind in the end. to hell with you all!!!stay sic.
why the hell do you wanna bring this up again? ok this is the last fuckin time i'm gonna say this, hard to go blind from something that you gave up aint it? i thought we droped this whole conversation, whether you beleive i gave up masterbation or not is your opinion. but in this case you opinion just happens to be wrong :).stay sic.
beleive me dude, i had it bad. i can't beleive i stoped either. and i know that if i was you i probably wouldn't beleive me either. i mean i had it REALLY bad, for me it wasn't natural it actually was a sickness. i would never get anything accomplished school wise. however i did learn how to build up stamina. again not saying i never did it, just saying dont do it anymore. i did it more than you think, the old me would of been typing this one handed. lol, that's how bad it was. stay sic.
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