
Feb 15, 2009 12:49


i'll give a rating of... 8/10 for of course, THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON ! :D Ok, I might be bias here just because Brad Pitt looked so cute/good/nice/old/young there :DD Hehehe.

We didnt go any further than West Mall (: Actually, we were late.We went out at about 8:50 PM, so we went to catch the 9:10 PM slot. It was a sweet, touching movie i must say. Sad too in some parts. They added in humor too. I just like the movie ((:

The little girl is actually Dakota Fanning's younger sister! Elle Fanning! Hehe, she's cute.

My eldest sister didnt watch with us. She watched the movie on the same day with us, just that with someone else. ^^ We came late, so we sat at the third row from the front. How sad! Strained necks. Lol. But it was ok, at least it wasnt THAT bad sitting at the front. For the first time, (at least i think its the first time) I understand a so-called "boring" or "adult-ish" movie without asking my sister any questions.

I have to say, the make up was great! They can make Brad Pitt and Cate (something) look so much older and so much younger.

Bye, im gonna update my tumblr now.

life, movie, awesome

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