Jul 27, 2005 22:46
Ok, just thought there may be someone out there who's interested in what I'm currently doing with myself. Or if they already know perhaps they'd care to hear my take on it. I'm going to compose this post in separate sections, each going over a different thought in my head, mostly because I have a lot that I'm going to share with you and I don't know how to connect all of it very well:
After putting up a six month long fight I've finally resigned myself to living in Citrus Heights. I'm not so much living with anyone yet, I'm sort of following my sister around as she goes to my grandmother's and back home because I've no where better to be. As much as I like being with my sister and grandmother (both of whom I haven't seen for any good deal of time in a long while), I can tell that I'm going to get really sick of it really quickly. I just want somewhere to live downtown. Not seeing my friends is bad, I don't deal well with loneliness.
As I'm sure most of you know, I was with my father for the past two and a half weeks. He asked me to come live with him and I politely turned him down, but depending on how my situation develops here I may end up taking him up on that, mostly for a change of scenery. I love that man a lot, he's one of the greatest influences on who I am today and I miss seeing him a lot.
Now, for those of you who don't know (most people who don't talk to Chris), I'm currently in a relationship with a girl named Jessica. I have been for more than a year, though only through this thing we call the internet. As much as I'd like to actually meet her, it proves impossible at this time due to money, age, and parental restrictions. The only reason I've told very few people about Jessica is that I figured no one would take a teenage internet relationship seriously, I've come to realize that it matters very little.
Next, I'm tired of people criticizing how I'm currently living my life. For those of you who are older, I'd like you to tell me what you were doing at sixteen. Right, now any of you who mentioned anything about drugs or drinking can hold your opinions. Honestly the main thing that upsets me about this is that no one tells -me- what they think would be better than what I'm doing, instead you talk amongst each other and all I am is gossip. So, considering I've pretty much been raising myself, I'd have to say I'm doing pretty damn fine.
In conclusion, all of these factors have caused me to become rather depressed. Which sucks. A lot.