Jun 29, 2012 01:41
I am too old to have, much less write on this site anymore and yet here I am. Sometimes I just have to get everything out, and I know that everyone is sick of me talking about this stuff. Like the fact that I'm in a "relationship" with a man who not only has a problem getting his shit together but makes me feel like I'm second best, unless of course, he wants or needs something. We both know and have discussed that I deserve more/better then him, but part of me just wants him to grow up and realize that he has someone that is not only good to him but good for him. I'm trying to move on and introduce new people into my life but he keeps sucking me in. I can see myself a year down the line looking back at this and thinking, wow, good thing I'm not with him anymore, as I often have in the past, but for today, for right now, I just want to feel something real with him. I hate the fact that he knows me so well, and how he likes to push my buttons, and how selfish he is, and the fact that i let him be a selfish dick. I'll be 25 in a few weeks and he'll have to be another thing I eliminate, smoking, drinking, unhealthy foods, and Mr.K.