Oct 08, 2008 16:15
I finally went to to doc after six months of this stabbing, numbing pain in my left foot. I waited so long because I figured it would just heal itself. Well it turns out a nerve is damaged (morton neuroma) and I needed a cortisone shot. Well after getting the shot yesterday I came home from work and could barely walk. My foot felt a bit better today so I emailed the doc (I thinks it's pretty cool he gave his email address if I had any issues).He ended calling me and said some people react badly to the shot but everything would be ok in few days. Thanks doc for not telling me this sooner. If the shot does not work the next step is surgery :( If the shot does not work I am definitely getting a second opinion. Surgery is my last resort
Has anyone had any experience with morton neuroma ?
Miech and I are going to see the Digable Planets tonight so I am going to find a nice wall to lean on.