JYJ's twitter update [09.06.2014]

Sep 06, 2014 11:02

(Junsu, 2:07pm KST) You're the only one for me.
The only light of my empty life.
Only you can fill up my love. ( link)

(Jaejoong, 4:52pm KST) #Chuseok #Grooming #Hiro #hiro #Sichuan #Chengdu #jyj #funnyface #sticksouttongue #sorryican'tprotectyou #puppy #dog #poodle #Hirowhocan'tactlikeheisgood-lookingisnotagood-lookingpuppy #fur #resemblestheownereye-whiteisbiggerdog #pinktongue #barks #doggie #jijifriend #tagsstop #seeyoulater #concertisgoingtobefun… instagram.com/p/smKsF0knqZ/

(Junsu, 10:59pm KST) Thank you Chengdu!!♡ ( link)

source: Junsu+Jaejoong's twitter
trans: @shinkipeia
shared by: nachan87

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