ANALYSIS: The first lie - YH claims "I had no idea the three members were filing a lawsuit"

Mar 03, 2011 18:48

In his appearance in a recent Korean program, Yunho claimed that he “had no idea the three members were filing a lawsuit” (Source: Nate News)

Many JYJ fans who’ve watched this entire process know that this is a lie. Here are the evidences refuting such a statement.

Evidence #1. All five members, not just JYJ, originally planned to leave SM

[From an article in Sports Nichi on January 1st, 2010 - source: Link]

DBSK are disbanding…. Do the two members not even have the drive for their appearance in Kouhaku uta Gassen (紅白歌合戦)?


According to a representative from Korea’s SM Entertainment, relationship between Yunho, Changmin (who have decided to remain with the company) and Jaejoong, Yuchun, and Junsu (who filed a lawsuit requesting invalidation of their contract with SM), cannot be recovered. The five members appeared in Kouhaku uta Gassen for the second time in two years and sang their hit song, “Stand by U” However, unlike Jaejoong and the two other members who sang enthusiastically, Yunho and Changmin clearly had no drive. In fact, Changmin didn’t even say goodbye to the audience and refused to look at the members.

[as a side note, this also disproves Yunho's claim that "I sang the best I could because I didn't want to accept that this might be our last performance" - Source: Nate News].


Meanwhile, Avex, the Japanese record company for the group, and SM has talked about solving the issue, but confirmed that the disbandment of the group was unavoidable. Their single “Break Out!” being released this month will most likely be their last single, and afterwards will release a best album on February 17th.

AVEX’s contract with SM doesn’t end until Novemeber, and there is a possibility that the three members will hold activities as a new group after [the release of Tohoshinki’s best album in February]. However, according to one rep, “Last August, all five members communicated their intent to leave SM, so they all have the same beliefs on their mind. We can’t completely exclude the possibility that the five will come together again and resume their activities.”

Evidence #2. All five members, not just JYJ, originally planned to leave SM

[From an interview with the Sejong lawyer representing JYJ on December 3rd, 2009 - Source: Link]

Q: Did you know who DBSK were?

A: “(laughter) this can’t be reported but… I didn’t know their faces. They told me that they were coming to see me and I spent the entire morning memorizing their faces by looking at their music video and pictures on my computer. I kept getting confused between Changmin and Jaejoong, but fortunately(?) Changmin didn’t show up.”

[This suggests that the lawyer, in fact, expected all FIVE of the members to show up in his office, making the need to memorize faces of ALL FIVE members necessary]

Evidence #3. All five members, not just JYJ, originally planned to leave SM

[During JS & YH's couple talk in "All About DBSK Season 3" - see video here]

JS: We’ve especially been talking a lot about our futures recently, aren’t we?

YH: Yes, we are. We’ve been talking about that a lot.

JS: We especially talk a lot about DBSK’s future, and first, we don’t even have to talk about DBSK always being together….

Because that is something that’s obvious and what all the members recognize, and it’s actually funny for us to even debate on that topic, but I really hope everything will continue to be how it is.

We will keep going forward… and in the center of all this, I believe Yunho has the biggest role and is in charge of the most important part

[Junsu is referring specifically to Yunho and suggesting that he has the biggest role in the upcoming lawsuit… “in charge of the most important part….”)]

…and if we remain like this, I think DBSK will be a very long-lasting group and I really want to be like that…

But I guess this is more difficult that I thought it would be. We never swayed in that point(staying together as DBSK), but I did get the thought that this might be difficult in our work.

[Junsu hinting that staying together as DBSK and continuing DBSK activities for a long time may be difficult in SM Entertainment]

I have gotten such a feeling, but I think we can do it in our current situation [“it” referring to the lawsuit]. It might be something that we should be thankful of, but we’ve seen a lot.

This really becomes a great strength for us and I think it allows us to develop a broad-mind.

As you can see, this interview strongly suggests that Yunho was quite aware of Junsu’s plans to leave SM and, at the time (after all, he doesn’t seem to be confused at all with Junsu’s very suggestive statements), agreed with Junsu’s decision.

Evidence #4. YH’s father claims that he knew JYJ was leaving.

[From an official statement made by YH's father on November 1st, 2009 - Source: Link]

The following article is an official letter from YH’s father, claiming that JYJ left SM Entertainment solely because of their investments with a cosmetics company.

However, we know that the courts recently ruled that the cosmetics company was not responsible for SM & JYJ’s dispute (Creabeau found not responsibleSM’s counter suit against Creabeau dismissed

) once again proving this “official statement” completely without basis.

However, what this statement proves is that YH’s father and the members were quite well aware of the three members’ intent to leave SM Entertainment.

[Translation, Box 1] The two members are aware of the truth behind [the members’ lawsuit against SM Entertainment].

The “truth” here is referring to the three members’ involvement in a certain cosmetics business. Again, from recent court rulings, we know that the “truth” wasn’t a truth at all. However, this statement proves the fact that the two members were aware of the three members filing a lawsuit, whatever the reason might have been.

[Translation, Box 2] Once President Kim YoungMin left the room and only DBSK parents were left, a certain father of Jaejoong, Yuchun, or Junsu, claimed that “we will no longer stop working with SM.” Changmin’s father and I tried to convince the remaining parents, but their points of view were firm.

Here, Yunho’s father then claims that during a meeting, one parent of Jaejoong, Yuchun, or Junsu told him and Changmin’s father that they will not work with SM Entertainment (supposedly because of their cosmetics business, but we already know that the courts have already ruled that the members’ lawsuit has is NOT BECAUSE of their business ventures). Once again, this proves that YH and CM’s father (and we can only assume that the two members knew if their fathers knew)were aware of the lawsuit before it was filed.

source: DC TVXQ Gall
trans & analysis: withJYJ (@_withJYJ)
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