(no subject)

Mar 15, 2010 18:57

Hooboy, this is a big one! My family is getting bigger! It's quite an adventure!
Family has generally had some negative connotations for me in the past, but with time and healing, a lot of that negativity has fallen away and I'm enjoying a period of relative harmony. Because I grew up in relative isolation from relatives other than my immediate family, I've never really known what family truly is.

When my Dad married Janice, I gained both an older brother and a younger brother! I technically gained an older sister as well, I suppose but as she hasn't seen her mother in about 10 years, I guess I can't count her.
I am a lot closer to my brother, Mark, and as he is getting married soon, I am also gaining a wonderful sister, Fiona. She is a beautiful person in both spirit and personality and I'm so glad Mark found someone like her!

I'm still not close to my sister, though am able to see her occasionally and have a civil conversation. I don't actively judge and persecute her, but it doesn't really change the fact that she's not my type of person *shrug*.

I'm also becoming very close to my grandmother! She and I never really had much of a relationship due to the issues with her and mum. However, now that I've taken my finger out of it, I've discovered that there are always two sides to a story and she is a truly amazing woman!

I'm not becoming quite as close to my nephews and nieces (as I only see them a few times a year), but it's good that they know me, and I know them. I'm just not too good with kids, I guess. Especially kids who need special attention and a very... experienced supervisor.

I've also gained a HUGE family from Craig. When we went to the UK, the entire paternal side of the family effectively adopted me on the spot. I love them all very much.

The only thing I regret about cadets is having only spent a year in the unit. If I could go back in time and tell myself that joining the navy cadets when we moved away, wouldn't be that bad, I would. Although, still. Navy. Ew...
Army Cadets did amazing things for me. It raised my self awareness, my self esteem and my ability to communicate. It taught me I could in fact do things I'd never really thought about before. It taught me how to look after myself and others. How to work in a team and how to accomplish things on my own that I would normally seek help for. The discipline was never military-grade, but it was enough that it's shaped how I view myself and what I do.
Of course, I often forget the lessons I was taught, but we all have our bad times :P

I regularly go through periods of really wanting to join the Defense Force. On average of once or twice a year, I'll go through and check out the jobs available. It is, of course, always the fitness aspect that holds me back. Although, the last time I went through it, it occurred to me that I was getting married in two years and need to start looking seriously at kids in the next 5 years otherwise they'll never come along. Kinda made the penny drop in my mind that that particular dream won't be coming true any time in the next 10 years or so.

Country? I'm not sure what context Trent meant when he gave me this word. Perhaps he could let me know, and I'll edit it in!

Amanda Furnival
Well, for a start, it's spelled wrong. Two L's, Trent.
However. Damn. That looks really weird. I don't think I've ever seen my name with his surname before. Kinda makes it real, doesn't it? But yes, I will be taking Craig's name. I'm a little worried about doing so, because if I don't continue the Hilton name, there's only other Hilton of this generation. Craig's (Yeah, my cousin is called Craig Hilton, odd huh) engaged, but in his early thirties, no idea if he ever intends to have kids but I don't think so. I hope so though, otherwise this particular branch of the Hilton line will die out. That would make me sad.

Arelin Sar
Hah! Arelin Sar was the main NPC of the first roleplaying game that I was ever in. Which was obviously run by Trent. 3.5 D&D, starting at level 3. Damned good game. I suppose none are ever as good as the first one!
Anyway, we killed his son (A black dragon wot) in the third session of the game, then he was a constant NPC, manipulating and generally driving us crazy with his cryptic for the next year or so. Fantastic character.
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