Warning: Self Pity & Whining Ahead

Oct 07, 2008 07:16

I am sick and I hates it :( It feels like I've been hit by a truck and have had to slowly peel myself off the road.

Sunday, I was perfectly fine - did some cleaning and played some computer games. Good times.

Monday I felt pretty alright - I woke up with a sore throat that didn't go away which left me going "uh oh", but it didn't really worry me until I picked up my car from Automasters that night (Oh god, $850...) and went to see Craig at his place. My throat was still sore and my head was starting to get a bit stuffy but I ignored it and played happy girlfriend. Jumped in the car to come home though and WUMPH. Oh dear lord. Once I got home, I could barely stand up. Went to bed at 8 or so, talked for a little bit with Craig who was pretty worried that I went from perfectly fine to moaning about my head.

It's been a long time since I've had a night like that. I got nearly no sleep but I was having nightmares, both awake and asleep (I assume I got some sleep because Craig kept poking me when I was snoring). They were a crazy combination of my boss being angry at me for being sick (which she's not), the Upright Man from the Krondor books, the movies Jex was watching, my iPod and going and getting my costume today for Tan's bday. But yes, I couldn't get comfortable all night, I think I slept in 2-3 minute snatches and had to deal with Craig in the bed too. Very slow night.

Currently, I have a headache in my whole body, my nose is running, my eyes hurt, my throat hurts, my glands are up, I have no sense of balance and I'm freaken tired.

I hate being sick :(
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