Disturbia .

May 31, 2008 08:04

I know that not everyone uses Firefox, some people use Opera, Internet Explorer and Safari amongst others. But I just found something interesting, Mozilla wants to try for a world record for downloads on Download Day. Even if you don't like Firefox I think its a cool idea to be apart of a world record that doesn't need you to do something crazy. :)

Hell, you can just delete Firefox 3 if you don't like it, I don't think its going to matter for the judging.

I've gotten my hands on a version of Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, inspired by so_vayne's valiant sitting through and actually reading the series. poor vayne I never got passed New Moon, and I'm trying to consider rereading the series as a whole at a new perspective before I say anything. Or keyboard smash my way through it.


At least its different looking. I hope she does not have them playing chess or being anywhere near board games. :( What is with the symbolism on these books? First an apple (forbidden fruit ftw?) then a flower with what they're trying to say, with blood on it, then a broken ribbon, now a chess board. Please tell me Jacob's piece knocks Edward the fuck out off the board.

random, books

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