Dec 19, 2007 10:39
Been really busy this week, tonight is my 3-11pm shift and for the past few days I've been trying to teach myself to sleep in. I can't do it. I don't know how people do it, to be honest. The latest I've ever slept in was till 9:30 6___6; and today I woke up at 8. totally not working!
I talked to one of my coworkers at the theatre and it turns out both of us are going/wanting to go into the video game industry. She wants to do programming and I want to be a writer. She suggested I should take journalism, on top of the standard writing class along with creative writing. It was nice talking to someone about it without getting strange looks and someone actually understanding that its just not a failing industry. People thought the television was a fad. Look at it now, I doubt most of us can live without it.
After talking to here and leaving, me and my dad went to an office store and I went and bought a steno pad. It's shades of green and brown pop art with a bird...and I didn't realize their were words on it. It says 'Just think. In a previous life, this was probably somebody else's notebook.' Kinda cool :).
I started writing in it and I was surprised that I could- when I typed my ideas on the computer, they felt silly to me but when I have to manually write it, it feels like its kinda important, not a stupid idea.