Welcome to Zahara

Jun 18, 2011 00:59

Inspired the game Enchanted Arms, I've created various neighbourhoods based on different locations in the game. This one is based on a place called Junk City: a thriving desert city crawling with valuable 'junk' - the remains of powerful magical machines, thousands of years old. This is quickly becoming my favourite place in the game, and I just had to show off my pride and joy: the Temple of Zah'rain.

It comes with a long story, which I'll type up tomorrow morning if anyone is interested. Also, the pictures are quite obviously photoshopped, I figured it wouldn't do much harm since it's not a download, and I had fun too! :D
A big thank you to Yuxi, Maron and Blooming for being such huge inspirations - if it wasn't for their absolutely stunning pictures I would never have been inspired to decorate, even though I've been wanting to do so for such a long time.


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