(Late) Crazy Weekend Fun!

Mar 25, 2012 10:10

Oh snap, I fail. I actually wrote the following entry days ago, but it ended up getting saved as a draft instead of getting posted. Anyways, here it is (almost a week late!).

So, I'm taking a little break from work to update the LJ, especially since my memory is not as good as it used to be. Might as well dump everything out while it's still there.

Saturday was mucho fun, even if Wil and I did wake up at 2PM (that's how things are supposed to be on the weekend, right?). It was our friend Kat's birthday, and she had told us MONTHS ago that she loved scavenger hunts and wanted one for her birthday. Her entire desire was actually based on an episode of Parks and Recreation, which is an amazing show that everyone should watch. For anyone that does watch the show, Kat is pretty much a real life version of Leslie Knope (the main character), so you can only imagine how psyched she was about the whole thing. Once again, Ron Swanson makes everything better. For fans of the show, here's something to enjoy.

Anyways, after a few days of planning and emails, we managed to make it so that she could go around and find each and every one of us instead of looking for random items, as that made things a lot less awkward for the establishments in downtown Gwangju. It was fun, though it turned out to be a little more difficult than we thought it would be. We ended up an hour late to our dinner reservation as a result. Thank goodness the restaurant was relatively empty. I love you Bottle, even if you are expensive.

After dinner, Kat opened her gifts (we mostly got her wine-related stuff) and we went for ice cream. We met up with some more people and went karaoke. Speaking of which, one thing that sucks about being the only Korean in the group is that if things EVER go wrong, I'm the one that gets the lecture and dirty looks. As someone who doesn't drink that's usually hanging with people that enjoy their alcohol, it can often lead to awkward situations. Lucky for me, the worst I got that night was a slight complaint and warning. Certain Korean establishments apparently like to keep foreigners out, mostly because we (I will always consider myself a foreigner) tend to bring outside food and drinks, which is incredibly rude and not cool. I usually try to make it a point to buy water or a drink of some sort whenever I go somewhere to keep the drama out, but I guess it's not enough to make up for when my friends sneak in their own stuff. Reminds me of when we used to sneak all sorts of weird crap into places in Houston (there is never enough gummy bears in the world to keep my family satisfied).

Anyways, we spent a good time singing all sorts of bad songs, went to Mini Stop to eat cake (while some of the girls got super drunk), and then we followed our favorite Dirty Cobbler to Mix Lounge (a super crowded bar/club/dive that used to be a foreigner hot spot). We awkwardly stood around for a bit before we migrated over to Houze, which is one of the better clubs in Gwangju (and no cover for foreigners!). We danced, we had fun, one of the girls threw up, bought some kebabs, and we went home. All in all, not too bad for a fun evening out.

The following Sunday, Wil and I went to watch Nanta, as it was his gift to me for White Day. I had no idea what to expect. It was my first time watching a musical without words or lyrics after all. That being said, the show was AMAZING. I'm still in awe at how talented the cast is. I can only imagine what sort of resume a person would have to have to be a cast member. The stage also smelled absolutely wonderful. I can't wait to drag my mom to watch it with me the next time she comes to visit.

Oh well, it's back to work for me. I just hope I don't puke my guts out from all of this horrible nausea :(

~ Jen
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