Mother's Pride

Aug 06, 2006 09:07

I've dragged all the people I can to see my son star in a play.
He is wonderful - but I'm biased.
I can't believe how much he has grown up!
It is sooo much harder to mother a teen ager than I ever imagined.
NOt because he is difficult,
Or rebellious,
or bad...
but because he has always been soo easy,
and compliant
and good...
But now he is interested in things outside our influence
Positive things all, but just not part of my world.
He is standing on his own
with confidence
and a smile
And I'm thrilled for him - so thrilled I want to show him off
but I'm sad too.
for me.
I miss him already, and he has only just begun to fly.
But I couldn't be happier that his wings are working for him!
what conflicted feelings teen agers bring!
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