Good Day/Eve Etc...
In the pursuit of personal happiness and being more socially active with some friends. I will being going on a trip to Colorado on a snowboard/ski trip.
On the note of Christmas, I have all but two gotten for. I have had some fun finding some of the presents this year.
In me buying cool stuff for self I have bought a coal forge and and crank blower. Next big item on the wish piece is an anvil.Will have to wait for spare cash and a good buy.
In the Faire realm of things I almost have my fight scene memorized, have to get the up down up part stuck in the brain.Just have to add the lacing for my nine mens morris set. still have a list of things to do to be ready for faire though.
well that's a Nabber update for those select few who read my journal. I'm off to read a cool oklahoma journal now Have a great night/day