Reversal of Fortune

May 28, 2007 18:36

The strangest thing has happened. I started a blog on Blogger so I'd be able to post pictures (this was shortly before LJ made it so stinking easy to post a pic), and because nearly all my friends on here had abandoned their LJs. So I moved to Blogger and everything was great and I was happy. But then one day I realized I don't like posting on Blogger anymore because I'm not particularly close to most of my "friends" on there, so I'm not totally comfortable sharing the goings-on of my life with them. I'm happier here, I think, where maybe 2 people tops will actually read the things I say.

That said, I've run into a very frustrating problem that's doing a great job of taking the wind out of my sails. My first semester here at Cochise, I did very well in the flight program and was the only new student to finish my private certificate that first semester. Then, after Christmas break, I began my commercial certificate and my instrument rating, and things were still pretty good. More recently, though, my skills have started going in the opposite direction. Instead of becoming steadily better at flying, I'm growing steadily worse. My landings have completely fallen apart, and I find I'm actually afraid to put the plane on the ground. I've got one cross-country to fly before I can take the stage one test for my commercial certificate, but I'm no longer comfortable flying solo. I feel like I've lost all my confidence and the plane is flying me, intead of vice versa. And I have no idea how to fix any of this. I've been praying and praying about it, hoping God will give me the answer, any answer, but so far I'm still completely clueless. It's maddening and heartbreaking, and I don't know what to do about any of it. So there it is.
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