I COME BEARING FIC. [spn, fanfiction, writing, fic, public post]

May 03, 2010 17:17

Dude, a fic that stayed under a thousand words. ::impressed::

Title: Last One Standing
Rating: PG
Fandom: Supernatural
Genre: gen, drama
Length: ~600 words; complete
Spoilers/warnings: 5x20 - “The Devil You Know” / none
Characters: Rebecca Warren, OFC
Betas: None. If you catch a mistake or have some sort of concrit, let me know and I’ll see what can be done. :)

Summary: 5x20 episode coda. “I’m so, so sorry for your loss,” Becky kept going. “Brady was a great friend. I was always so sad that we drifted away.”

Last One Standing


public post, fic, fanfiction, spn, writing

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