My dad asked me at 21:00 how went my Supernatural addiction.
"Oh," said I. "I'm just now watching an episode! Right now!"
"Well," said he, "Want me to watch it with you?"
".........YES," exclaimed myself, for I was watching one of the disgusting episodes {'Metamorphosis'}.
So! Episode reviews! Concept stolen from
shikishi. It's not quite coherent, though. Something about this show makes me very incoherent. Must be the characterisation. And the pretty boys. Also, Beware: LOOOOOOOOOOONG AND RAMBLING AND FILLED WITH SADFACES.
4x04, "Metamorphosis": This felt like Sam and Dean finally started getting used to each other again. It reminds me of Season 1's rough patch they had going at the start, what with angry!emo!Sam and overprotective!clueless!Dean. This time Sam is still an angry!emo, and Dean is still overprotectively clueless, and this episode explores how two people who've grown used to independency live together.
I utterly *adored* how Sam got his consciousness back, refusing to kill Jack without him doing anything to make him a target. Because Sam pre-Hell wouldn't have minded all that much. And Dean? Is mostly still Dean, but he's a little more trigger-happy, y'know?
I wonder why Ruby at the start didn't tease Dean about Hell, but whatevs.
Also, you know what? I loved how the monster of the week didn't kill their wives. I mean, Jack's father ate 8 before Travis killed him, but his wife was still alive to give birth to Jack. And Jack turned violent when his wife {baby? I'm not sure he was protecting his wife as much as he was protecting his baby} was threatened. I hated Travis then, for treating Jack as less than human. And trying to burn Jack's wife. That was cruel. Fine, burn Jack, but just hit the woman in the stomach and make her have an abortion, you ass. Now some future hunters are stuck with a future cannibal. Great.
When Sam went all 'Choices! CHOICES!' here, I got a sadface. When he declared he was done with psychic powers, I sighed. Because 1) I know how it goes on, and 2) the moment you have a skill this useful, you'll always feel tempted to use it.
4x05, "Monster Movie": BACK TO THE CLASSICS, BITCHES. Black&white SPN episode? Yesssssss. The Pennsylvania/Transylvania sign change? YESSSSS. I loved the discussion of Dean losing his virginity a second time and how he told it to Sam -- dear scriptwriters, you just fed the Wincesters.
This whole episode Sam and Dean were being horribly cute, and I discovered that I prefer adorable!Sam over adorable!Dean, but when they're emo, I prefer emo!Dean over emo!Sam. No wonder that top!Sam is the popular choice in fandom.
I just about died the whole episode, from 'classic vampire' to 'classic werewolf' {and how the g/f drank from that huge cup!}, and then the mummy -- and the dry ice. The dry ice slayed me. The Dean/Dracula chase slayed me even further. The melodramatic effects, zomg. LOVED Dracula on the scooter, for realz.
Dean made a reference to 'skinning' the shapeshifter, here. Backshadowing! Foreshadowing? You know what I mean.
. . . I suspected it was Casey {is that her name?} from the start. Man, she had style. Dracula. On a scooter. Snorkle.
{PS -- what is it with the show trying to electrocute Dean? It happens like, once a season. And this time he even had the stupid German folk clothes. HAHAH}
4x06, Yellow Fever: Humouristic angst. Godfuckingdammit, my heart went out to Dean here, and Sam, too, but Dean mostly. Dean's fear of the little dog just . . . aw, Dean. The way he kept hearing the Hell Hounds just . . . urgh.
I was very amused during the autopsy, but less amused when it shows how familiar Dean is with the instruments. He picked up the one the doctor requested out of a pile of instruments. *shudders* At least he was disgusted by the heart. And then amused by the spleen juices meeting SAM'S FACE HAHAHA. {And later, when meeting the cop, Dean does agree with him about Frank having a big heart!}
The shoes-off&squirting alcogel scheriff was hilarious when they happened, but in hind-sight, I think he was working on staving off the ghost illness. He managed to survive a whole extra day, I mean.
Dean's hallucinations, oh god. The book. "You're dying. Again. Loser." That . . . dude. Oh, Dead. :( {Yeah, I totally wrote ":(" on paper here.} I enjoyed Dean being a clue, and then him POUTING and saying "I don't want to be a clue!" <3
Hahahahahahahahahah the cat in the locker hahahahaHAH.
Did you notice how Dean quit again when the pressure got to be too much? Dean's never dealt well with pressure, but now he practically BREAKS. And don't tell me it's because he's going to die -- Dean was going to die the entirety of the third season. The difference now is that Dean *knows* what's waiting for him. Not only that, but Dean -- he changed, ok? Hell changed Dean, and now he's different.
Thing that broke my heart was how he imagined in his hallucinations that Sam would attack him. {I loved how Sam kept trying to calm Dean down, reassure him, God. A couple of times I sensed the Wincest. When will the scriptwriters realise that having the boys keep claiming 'brotherhood' means they're not secure in it?} I mean, is that how he sees Sam? As somebody who'd get rid of Dean as soon as possible, when Dean's stopped being useful? Or when Dean gets to be too much?
PS - Bobby's accent in Japanese is *horrible*.
4x07, "It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester": *twitches* Samhain. SAM-HAIN. It's supposed to be pronounced something like 'Savan'. :(
Sam met Cas! And was so excited! And then got shot down. :( God, Sammy, YOUR FACE. Went from hopeful to . . . past disappointed. And then Dean asked the angels about free will, and forgot that only humans have free will {or I may have read one too many fics -- screw 'one', WAY too many fics}, AND OMG, DEAN SAID 'SMITE', I AM IN HEAVEN. Or something.
That whole levelling down a whole TOWN rings a bell {ding-dong, Sodom and Gemmorah, or however you spell them, in Hebrew we call them Sdom and Amora}, only upside-down. One evil {witch} versus one good person {Lot}, God versus Abraham, the only one who's successfully argued with Him, Winchesters versus Angels of the Lord and stuff. See? Mandatory Bible classes DO have importance later in life!
It was interesting, watching Uriel and Cas interact, what with talking when the other's in the middle and ordering each other around, but when all's said and done, I felt that Cas had the upper hand, rank-wise.
You know what was awesome? The way Sam protected himself and Dean from Samhain. {Let's ignore the whole 'THIS IS NOT THE REAL SAMHAIN' arguments, and say that this is the show's canon, and then we'll treat it as canon, and as canon, this was freaking BRILLIANT.} Reminded me of Passover, the way the Israelites covered the door frames in lamb blood so their firstborns wouldn't die -- Sam covered Dean's forehead and cheeks.
Dean doesn't talk to Samhain, who'd know Dean from hell, maybe? Sam went all "I CAN PROTECT YOU BRO" and I went all "AWWWWWWWWW SAMMY" but then Sam started nosebleeding and Dean saw him go all psychic at Samhain and had a heartbroken face and looked all sad and AWWW, DEAN. :(
I want the angels to stop threatening with offing my boys. Now. First Cas threatens to put Dean back in hell, and now Uriel tells Sam he's only alive because he's useful? Yeah, he's useful if you want Dean to HELP YOU OUT. We all know that if the angels kill Sam, Dean will go batshit crazy and join the Dark Side JUST BECAUSE. Bastards. And of course, the angels actually threaten the brother who believes in God and prays every evening. Fuckers.
The whole 'Our orders were to obey you' thingie was utterly weird. WHY. WHY DO THAT TO DEAN. HE'LL CRACK. AS PREVIOUSLY PROVEN. I have no idea what they were *truly* testing. Whether Dean will play along with the angels and obey blindly? Does Dean care enough about humanity? Considering what the angels do later, I'm rooting for the 'Dean will choose the option that will get the Seal broken', but whatevers.
I don't quite get the Dean/Cas scene at the end, when Cas tells Dean he doesn't know what to believe anymore. I mean, what does Cas get out of telling that to Dean? I know, scriptwriters, you wanted to kill the Wincest and introduce the new ship, but, seriously? It looks that no matter how Dean did in the previous test officially, he passed CASTIEL'S test. I wonder if Cas feels now that if Dean can be trusted with humans, he can be trusted with his secret now, too?
4x08, "Wishful Thinking": Yet ANOTHER naked woman in the shower. Getting sick and tired of that. Like, really tired. Dude, though, awesome invisible!ghost. I like. {iLike?}
{Yeah, because when Sam asks Dean to tell him he doesn't remember Hell while looking in Sam's eyes MEANS anything. Like Dean can't like while looking at Sam in the eye. WTF, Sam, you know Dean better than that.}
What sort of town name is "Concrete"? Anyway, the Sam and women who saw the 'ghost' in the shower were hilarious. Sam had some great lines in this episode, I swear. "I can sense this in you, that . . . sensitivity in you.", and "That . . . is a big foot."
Little girl returning porn. WTF. Teddy bear doctors, WTF. Then--LIVING AND TALKING AND HUGE TEDDY BEAR WTF WHUT. Teddy Bear questioning the meaning of life? . . . LOLOLOL.
Invisible!Boy is REALLY PALE. And not the good sort. Meep. He looks sorta sickly. :(
Teddy Bear goes suicidal. And then he couldn't even kill himself. EVEN THOUGH HE TRIED. And oh, God, the suicide message.
OMG, I admit. I laughed like mad whenever the Teddy Bear was even mentioned. Can anybody really blame me?
Really enjoyed Sam dying again. I mean, struck down by lightning. How awesome is that? His shoes stayed perfectly in place. It almost beats Dean dying of falling piano.
And then Dean confessed about remembering Hell, and I am so, so proud of him for being able to say that and then be able to say he doesn't want to talk about that. That's progress. and God, Dean, you deserve to have something work for you, for once. God.
And since nothing will work out for you, at least you have the memories of the suicidal teddy bear.