ketita made me get to rewriting my ex
snarry_games fic. She said something like this: "If you don't send me 2000 words this week, I WILL NOT SEND YOU NEW STUFF TO BETA."
The reason I avoided editing is that what needs the most editing is the first part, which I despise with the passion of a hundred suns. I don't think it was ever bad writing, but some elements are tricky enough that trying to deal with them scares me.
Anyway, now that I started rewriting it {and then RErewriting it}, I find myself needing to make new lists, because my old lists aren't good for it anymore. I shuffled the timeline, added another subplot and a half, and need to add to character development. Now, a 5.5k chapter is looking up to be, uh, longer.
On the bright side, I'm pretty sure that it's not going to take me much more than a week to finish part 1. Again x 4385482390.