Claim Fic: Where Home Is (Interhouse Fest 2016 Submission)

Dec 14, 2016 00:25

Title: Where Home Is
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Word Count: approx. 33,000 words
Rating: at least PG
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol abuse
Summary: A few months after the War has ended, Hermione discovers Draco sitting on her doorsteps one evening, and instead of chasing him away, starts talking to him. It soon turns into a regular event, with them talking about things like forgiveness and home-until Harry discovers them.
Disclaimer: In its use of intellectual property and characters belonging to JK Rowling, Warner Bros, Bloomsbury Publishing, et cetera, this work is intended to be transformative commentary on the original. No profit is being made from this work.

Author’s Notes: Lots of thanks to River_in_Egypt, who was kind enough to help me out with more than just the SPaG, and who insisted on making Draco snarkier than I initially wrote him. ;-)

(Read on AO3: Where Home Is)

( Read original submission to Interhouse Fest 2016: Where Home Is)

Please leave a comment if you liked the story! :-)

pairing:draco/hermione, claiming fic, interhouse, where home is

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