Made my day

Feb 10, 2017 00:56

Was a bit in a funk over the last few days, after basically going through a meltdown of sorts over a simple email (A validator at H&V wanted to have a chapter corrected-twice!).

Anyway, meanwhile I've taken up another, more well-known writer (MrBenzedrine! or Amy...) on their offer to help out with talking plot points, as she had posted on one of HP Facebook groups I'm following. I just felt like hitting a small block with Broken Feathers after my beta mentioned that the main plot moves along quite fast... Anyway, I've sent Amy the existing chapters and the notes of what I've planned so far.

This has kind of made my day when I read it! =D And I solved the problem of that pesky chapter 7 I was stuck at...

broken feathers, writing process, h&v, inspiration, feedback

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