Pretentious much?

Jan 19, 2017 09:19

Someone just can't let go of a detail in one my stories. That person is not my beta, but thinks she is...

I have Hermione and Harry use text messages in Not To Me, without going into too much details how they did it (I give a short explanation within the story, however, how she made it work).

But that person is just being obnoxiously pretentious.

The story is not about the characters texting, it's about Hermione trying to find someone on the run through Europe. Texting just works better in this context than owls. I do think about those kind of things, you know?

I'm in a somewhat argumentative mood again, so they might receive an answer they didn't expect... *cracks fingers*

EDIT: I'm baffled. This is a response that quite surprises me--an apology o.O

Edit 2:
The plot thickens. And this is definitely getting weird.

wtf, ntm, feedback

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