Still disease-infested but thoughts about SPN!

Apr 10, 2009 09:46

Still sick, however, have gone beyond the sleeping through it, now just feels crappy, tired and irritated.

Didn’t realise it was Friday until mum reminded me (thank you Jesus, I may doubt your divinity, but public holidays are awesome), went into a haze of happiness thinking about the new Supernatural episode only realising 10 minutes later that the show will not be back on till the 23rd of April. There might have been some weeping and listening of bubblegummy Korean pop to pick up my mood, and drugs, lots of prescribed druggy goodness.

So, in my prescribed druggy happiness, I decided to noodle-out some meta about Supernatural because I have been thinking about it, the medication I’m taking makes me do weird jumps in my logic. The last three episodes are named;
  • “The Rapture,” in regards to Dean's destiny. Um, I have to admit this part of the bible really confused me, and Wikipedia doesn’t help either. And is Dean meant to bring about the Rapture, or is he seriously going to be the Second Coming? Kripke, I was kidding when I said it. Honest. Because yeah, it is hilarious but it is also sort of terrifying in its implications for the Winchesters.
  • “When the Levees Break,” bad things to come, a warning for the Winchesters; I really like this song actually. But the question is WHO IS ABANDONING WHOM in this scenario? Is Dean going to leave Sam or is it going to be Sam once more who will leave Dean before the levee breaks? I’m expecting STORMS and RAIN and LOTS of FLOODING!
  • “Lucifer Rising” pretty self-explanatory, but dudes! Isn’t it a beautiful naming scheme? We have come full circle; “Lazarus Rising” being first episode of the season, Dean’s rise from the dead, and “Lucifer Rising” for, well, here’s hoping for Sam to become Lucifer.

Also, does anyone have a free Dreamwidth account/code I can have?

meta:supernatural, tv:supernatural, tv:supernatural4

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