Jun 01, 2009 04:43
Talked to a parent during our PTC (parent-teacher conference) session..
She has got such practical plans for her son..
Everything that she does now or before is for HIS future..
I'm inspired..
I'm touched..
And feelings within me is definitely stirred..like...Wow..hmmm..
A pupil who is able to ask to go to the toilet poo-ed..
And I mean, reaaaally poo-ed!
THAT thing was on the floor, his Tshirt, socks (which was in the urinal), shoes, face, hands..everywhere!!
I am OK with cleaning up and all..must say I'm quite gd after 8 yrs..
But he just had to spray water all over and the toilet floor was flooded with faeces AND water..
Was totally grossed out..
Had to ask the auntie to clean him up....
and felt guilty afterwards..
Felt as though I had passed the baton to a reserve, when I am the main runner..
Kept thinking bout it..
My conscience kept bugging me...
Simply coz I got another person to do the shit job for me..literally.
Embarrased myself big time:
Me: Yah, as though she is squaring them up (just as I said this I went ooops! that was freaking wrrroooooooonggg!)
Parent: Yes, she likes sizing people up..(subtle correction I see..)
Me: Heh, yes...(awkward smile)
arghhhhhhhhhh!! damn shitty!! Why da hell did I say squareeeeeeeeeeeeeee??
Now I think the mum will go:
"Hell! My daughter's being taught by a moron!"
oh dear!!
my thoughts