I don't play video games. Not really. Well, I play Sims 2 when I can be bothered and the only computer that can run it isn't in use, but that doesn't count because it's Sims 2. I have a Nintendo DS from way back when they used to have Gameboy cartridge holders, and that runs my Guitar Hero game that I play if I'm exceptionally bored. I have a Wii that, nowadays, is used for iPlayer and Just Dance when it's not just collecting dust. Other than that, I don't play video games. Never have done. I've never felt the need to sit in front of the TV and actually control the story onscreen (I assume that's what happens in video games).
I don't read comic books, either. I wasn't a Batman girl or a Superman fan; I couldn't tell you whether it was Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne who got bitten by the radioactive spider (though I think it might have been Peter Parker). I am unsure about the differences between graphic novels and comic books, and to be honest, I don't really care. Kick-Ass was a funny film but I am not about to run out and buy the book (if it was a wholly word-y book, I would, but that's a different story); same with Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. Though I have seen at least half of at least one Batman, Spiderman and Superman movie, I don't think I've ever sat down and watched the film intentionally.
That being said, I have a confession to make. I really, really, really want to play Batman: Arkham City. Like, really. I've read reviews online and in magazines (Kerrang even did a feature on it this week, for a reason I'm still totally not clear on). I just finished reading through the Cracked article on the game too, which might be one of the main reasons I'm having this change of heart about video games. Sadly, though, I lack the PS3/Xbox needed to play the game, and to be honest, I can't justify the cost. Also, the PC version, when it comes out, probably won't be compatible with the dinosaur I call my laptop. My course of action, therefore, will probably include finding a friend with the game and pestering them until they let me play for five minutes, after which I will give up on the format I am unfamiliar with, storm off in a sulk and scour the internet for bad reviews of the game.
The fact that Panic! At The Disco have provided a
song for the soundtrack has in no way coloured my perception of the game I have yet to play.