I am bored, so I am going to write about things I am in love with at the moment.
Starbucks Via. Columbian roast, in my red Starbucks mug. Wakes me up on a morning, and, since I've stopped drinking milk with my coffee, it counts as 0 syns. Plus, it's gorgeous. (we have around five 12 packs of Via in the kitchen, because when you buy it at Starbucks with a Starbucks Card, you get a free drink. And since we go to Starbucks once a week (if that - only if we're shopping in Town or at the outlet stores), it works out pretty well.
Reading. I have recently rediscovered my love of reading. Okay, so I've not read a proper book in a week, but before then, I read Judy Blundell's
Strings Attached, which is amazing (1950's nightclub dancer gets caught up with a mobster. I couldn't put it down), Jenny Colgan's
Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe, which is slightly less amazing (after being made redundant, girl ditches her rat boyfriend and sets up a cupcake shop. loads of cake recipes throughout; ended up making a load of unhealthy cupcakes once I finished reading), and Martyn Bedford's
Flip (boy wakes up as someone else, and tries to figure out what the hell happened. Again, couldn't put it down). At the moment, I'm trying to get through Cassandra Clare's latest novel - though I read her other books in about a day each, this one isn't going down so well. Maybe I'm just not as happy with its universe anymore.
Writing. Back in January (I think it was), I signed up for Novel Big Bang. I wrote an outline and a thousand words, then I scrapped the idea and wrote another outline and a thousand words. Lather, rinse, repeat. Then, I put it to one side to focus on uni. After that, I got into writing up my NaNo (handwritten: 15 chapters. Typed progress: 3 chapters. Deadline for Createspace: 30th June? Chance it'll be done: 1%. Amount I'm bothered: 50%). Now, after now writing for a while, I've 2,000 words of outline and 3,500 words of story - both written in about five days. And this time, the story is not really about music (I need to get out of my comfort zone. It's about a musician who, due to some pact, takes up a hobby: collecting antiques).
Doctor Who. Specifically, The Doctor's Wife (Neil Gaiman's episode). Now, I love pretty much everything Neil Gaiman's ever written (even if some of his short stories are unbelievably squicky). I also love Doctor Who. The only thing, when reading up on the episode, that I was wary about was Surranne Jones. I used to watch Corination Street (not enough to learn how to spell it, though). I couldn't remember if Jones was one of the ones who could barely act their way out of a paper bag, or one of the ones who definitely couldn't act their way out of a paper bag. (That may have been a little mean. Oops.) Anyway, I needn't have worried. Surrane Jones, as (SPOILERS) the TARDIS, was simply amazing. Seriously. One of the best episodes ever. (Maybe even better than, dare I say it, Blink.)
Noah And The Whale. Saving the best till last here. Now, a few years ago,
5 Years Time was a song I caught a few times on the music channels (the dance routine is epic). But that was about it. Then, a few weeks ago, I heard
L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N, and I fell in love with it. I love the lyrics and the tune - it's easy listening, but in a good way. The album, Last Night On Earth, is similarly fantastic. I can't choose a favourite song from it, as every single one is my favourite. It's been on repeat since I got it. All the songs are edging their way onto my Most Played list. And there's something about the intro to Wild Thing. My sister tells me it is 'muted and slightly distorted', but I call it 'magic music stuff that makes my eyes turn into hearts'. (Youtube only has a demo, so I can't link to it. But it sounds a little like the beginning of Panic At The Disco's
That Green Gentleman [from 0.05], and also sort of like The Beautiful South's
Mediterranean (Morcheeba Mix). To me, it sounds like it's underwater.)