I did originally plan to update this thing more often, but yeah. That's gone out the window :D
My life is dull, and nothing ever happens. Well, nothing good/amazing, anyway. I stress out over essay deadlines and portfolio projects and plays I need to read, and I go to uni on buses that pretty much take the piss, and I go home and stress out some more, then I read and go to bed. Over and over and over and over and over.
I shop, too. I go to the same shopping centre in the same part of town, look in the same shops at the same t-shirt/DVD/book/bracelet, buy the same low fat, low taste lunch, meet in the same place and go home listening to the same music I always listen to.
Or I go to the cinema, in which case I only go on Wednesdays because of the Orange Wednesday offers. I (well, my family really) bring the same crisps and chocolate bars to eat in the cinema (popcorn and sweets there is way too expensive), and we always end up going to see the same sort of mindless teen comedy/chick flick/cartoon. Actually, that's not quite true. I've been to the cinema quite a few times this last month, and went to see three amazing films:
Tangled, which is just... well, amazing. Okay, so I didn't really like the singing parts, and the lantern bit went on far too long, but it was brilliant. Plus, I went with mates from school, so I got to catch up with them as well (hanging round in the middle of town at god knows what time at night is pretty fun, even when it is freezing cold).
The Kings Speech wasn't a film I was looking forward to seeing. I only went because it was my mum's birthday and she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I'm glad I went though, because it is a very, very good film: heartwarming and clever and really funny. The cinema when we went was full of old people (I'm pretty sure we were two of the youngest people there), but we had a great day out.
Paul - well, I've been a fan of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost for years. I love Hot Fuzz and Shaun Of The Dead, and, well, they're both amazing actors and writers. I saw the trailers for Paul and I knew that it was either going to be absolutely brilliant, or utter crap - it was fantastic. Hilarious, with a few 'awwww' moments and loads of clever things that mean that I'll be buying the DVD when it comes out so I can rewatch and figure out all those little hints that make the film about a million times better (stuff like the 'plan for the next day' in Shaun of the Dead -
"First thing tomorrow, we'll have a Bloody Mary (Kill the girl in the garden, whose name was Mary), grab a bite at the King's Head (Go get Phil, Shaun's father, who then was bitten on his neck by a zombie), have a couple at the Little Princess (Couple=Dave and Diane, little princess=Liz), stagger back (Impersonate zombies), then come back to the bar for shots.(shooting scene in The Winchester.)" I knew the film was going to be great as soon as the first scene came on, accompanied by The Only One's version of
Another Girl, Another Planet. I'm slightly more familiar with the Blink 182 version, but still.
I wasn't planning on a recap of movies that are awesome, but I've written it now, so I'm gonna go back to the essay of doom :S
Oh yeah, hi to anyone who added me through