Smooch doesn't want to EAT. He has an appetite, he eats a little, then he's just . . . done. Sometimes switching food will help and he'll eat his fill, but it's like he gets tired of it.
I wasn't too worried about it, I thought I'd solved the problem by switching back to a food flavor that he liked before but I had to stop giving him when the vet switched prescriptions. I thought it would be better for him to eat that than eat nothing, and I'd leave him on it until I could talk to the vet.
Well, now he's not eating that, and he is losing weight, and I'm trying to do damage control coaxing food into him by hand when he really doesn't want any, just so he won't run out of fuel, but mostly he just puts it in his mouth because he knows I want him to do that, and then he spits it out.
I wasn't very worried, I thought he was just being finicky, he does that sometimes, but I'm starting to suspect something isn't right here. Something isn't right, and I don't know what it is, and it's almost Friday, and UGH.
AND ALSO in the middle of this, our water heater sprang a leak and lightly flooded half the garage. I caught it within minutes of it happening and moved all my books, so there was no real permanent harm done to anything irreplaceable or important, but it was a nasty surprise, and now I have to stay up way past my bedtime to wait for the goddamn plumbers to arrive, and hope that whatever is wrong is cheap to fix.
But like, at least the floor of the garage is cleaner than it was.
New hot water heater. Thanks, Dad. Yeesh.
Smooch is okay. The vet thinks he's feeling barfy from the kidney issues. His bloodwork and pee both look good. I'm doing everything right. He's getting fluids and some stuff to help his tummy, which should set him right in a hurry.
X-posted from Dreamwidth.
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