(no subject)

Mar 29, 2018 07:30

I just realized I never updated y'all on the situation on LJ/DW.  I was hoping to avoid asking for help like this AGAIN, but the situation is worse than I initially thought.

On Feb. 2, Bear was robbed at work.  They took her money bag and her car.  You can read about it here, which gives a few more details. She was unharmed ad we got the car back!  But it was terrifying, especially since she's already been violently robbed once before.  So this plays into that ugly trauma quite nicely.

We took a big financial hit -- she had to get the car towed and re-keyed, she missed work, not to mention the tips she lost.  Thankfully, friends from elsewhere on the net came through for us and we were able to make up the immediate loss pretty quickly.

Unfortunately, after ~2 months, it has become apparent we are still in trouble over the long haul.  I haven't wanted her to go back to delivery, as there have been other robberies recently and some ended in much nastier ways but even with a raise she took a big pay cut as she's no longer making tips in the kitchen.  This is going to hurt us worse even than we thought.

Still, because the economy is in the garbage and minimum wage here is absurdly low, finding another job that pays even as much as this one is going to be difficult, and we aren't sure how long it will take her to do it, if she even can.

We need help in a longer-term sense.

We need patrons.

If you have ever considered pledging into our Patreon, please do so.  At any level.  Please.  This, more than anything else, helps us.  If we can get an extra $100 a month, that would be incredibly helpful, and while it wouldn't completely offset what she's lost, it would make a big dent.

I also need sponsors for the cats.

All but one of the cats is on a Banfield plan, which saves us a lot of money in the long run just in free office visits alone, but it is still a monthly expense.  It's ~$25 for each of the kids.  I wish this were negotiable, but it's not.  Harley, Etrigan, and Smooch all require more frequent office visits for health issues, and Raleigh still needs the free preventive care that the plans get us.

The cost of Smooch's just went up; he had to be taken off dry food and we had to change his kidney-friendly diet to one that also will not cause bladder stones.  It's a wet food, it's more expensive.  The vet says I need to be feeding him more than I have been to bring his weight up and keep him comfortable, and it's very obvious when I increase his food that he feels a lot better and is more comfortable and less hangry.  This brings the price to just over $100 a month.  Because it's a prescription food, it's more or less the same price everywhere I've looked and there aren't really any good alternatives.  It's terrible that it costs this much.  But I can't not do it.  I love him, I want him to be comfortable and healthy and not hungry.

So if people wanted to volunteer to cover part or all of those expenses for the boys, that would be phenomenal.  Paypal DOES let you set up recurring payments!

I'm not just sitting on my butt about this.  I have gotten my SNAP benefits reinstated, which helps. I am also trying to get my disability payments raised, but it's going to take at least another two months, if I can pull it off at all.

So we are basically just really struggling right now because two assholes decided that getting some free pizza and a couple hundred bucks was worth fucking up two other people's lives.

Donations can be sent to sarahconley01@gmail.com (the best place right now because I'm dealing with bank account stuff for the disability thing) or to me at naamah@gmail.com. X-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment count:
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