Dude. I just learned that squids have three hearts.

Jan 27, 2018 07:59

I however, only have the one.  It's probably perfectly healthy, though?

Spoke to the cardiologist on Thursday.  He's 99% sure the thing that's been going on with me is benign, but I'm getting an ultrasound and I'll wear a Holter for a few weeks just to be sure.  He was a really cool guy.  Gave me no shit about anything whatsoever.

Smooch is still going in for surgery on Monday.  I'm still not crazy about the idea, and I'm anxious about having to take care of him when he's recovering.  I'm . . . not great at taking care of even myself.  I'll do my best.  He's pretty tough, he'll probably be fine....?


Anyway, I just read this cute webcomic called The Muse Mentor by Amy King aka Sephiramy aka the person who made me some kickass character art for my tabletop losers, and I found it really sweet and meaningful.  It's only 180 pages, so it's a quick read.  Check it out.  I totally cried because it made me feel less shitty about myself, so that's nice.

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