Kitty Wish List

Mar 06, 2017 02:26

 I have created a kitty wish list on Amazon.

Smooch's eye issues and his behavior issues are treatable, but the tools that make it a lot easier do cost money, and my Patreon is flagging -- I'm down about $80 from where I was at my best.  Normally it wouldn't be so bad, but we've had to pay off some medical bills, and it's hitting us hard.

So if you ( Read more... )


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catlinye_maker March 6 2017, 13:32:12 UTC
Here from a friend's friends page. I'm always up for supporting cats who need a hand. I tried to make a small purchase from your list and Amazon wants to send the items to me! That's no good. :( I sent you a friends request on that site to see if that would change, but in thinking about the situation cash via Paypal or something might be easier. Is there an email for Paypal or a finance site you prefer?


reedrover March 6 2017, 15:20:36 UTC
Same question/same problem. Amazon doesn't know to ship things directly to you. How do we make that happen?


naamah_darling March 6 2017, 22:25:53 UTC
It's fixed! Or should be!


naamah_darling March 6 2017, 22:25:41 UTC
I fixed the page! I just missed a toggle. It should work now!

Thank you so much for being willing to help. That means a whole lot to me. And would to my furry loser if he knew how to be grateful. Which he doesn't.

I know myself well enough to know that cash will go toward bills for all of us, so stuff off the wish list is a better way to make sure I don't ALWAYS prioritize lights over the cats. :P


catlinye_maker March 7 2017, 00:04:27 UTC
Good point re the money vs goods, I've been there.


reedrover March 7 2017, 20:05:29 UTC
Yes, it is fixed. You should have a bucket 'o Feliway spray flying in your direction. (Ok, yes, picture that.) An interesting thing about Feliway happened to me this morning, in fact. I had to take my insane Maximus to the vet today for a possible UTI. During check-in, the receptionist offered me a Feliway-sprayed towel to drape over his cage door to 1) block the Scary Things from seeing him and 2) keep him less freaked out by the various smells. I was charmed.


naamah_darling March 7 2017, 23:37:35 UTC
Ahhh, thank you so much! We were super-low! Thank you. <33333

That is so sweet! Poor baby Maximus. I hope he's feeling better very soon. <3 I just had a UTI last week, it's not fun. :( I wish I'd gotten Feliway for MY vet visit. XD


reedrover March 8 2017, 14:29:15 UTC
Welcome! Believe me, the magic of modern chemistry is sometimes the only thing that keeps me from bundling all of the cats into a large box and letting them MMA their various piques out of their systems.

Once nice thing about Maxicat's lack of brain power is that he's too stupid to hold a grudge. I got him home from the vet, put him back in his freshly-laundered bed and put food in his bowl, and all was instantly right with the world again. He was back to happy and chirping instantly.


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