What if I'm far from home? Oh, brother I will hear you call.

Jan 30, 2015 06:48

So, I have had a rough couple of days.

Pain, first off, from the stupid IBS I was only diagnosed with in the summer, but which has been a problem for a couple of years now.*  It went into more or less total remission for a while, but it's flared up again and made life less than fun.  It hurts most days at least a little, and sometimes it's ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

ashbet January 30 2015, 14:30:49 UTC
No advice, just hope it goes back into remission and stops hurting you.


Rocket ship birdhouse is rad!!



anonymous January 30 2015, 15:04:16 UTC
IBS is the suck. Waking up out of a dead sleep and running to the bathroom like your ass is on fire and then feeling like your ass IS on fire as you double over with cramps and poop things you haven't even eaten yet?

Yeah, the suck.


apocalypticbob January 30 2015, 15:09:09 UTC
That comment was from me. I was somehow logged out. Mer.


anonymous January 30 2015, 18:42:21 UTC
My bf has that along with a host of other health issues. It sucks when he has flare ups. I'm sorry. I hope you feel better. And I hope your ponies come out looking more like how you wanted them to.


sarahfish January 31 2015, 01:23:22 UTC
Man I don't know what you're talking about. That birdhouse is FAMAZING. Whatever you decide to do with it... I have to know.


diatryma January 31 2015, 06:52:39 UTC
I know you said you don't want medical advice, but have you considered projectile shitting on the next person to start a sentence that way?


naamah_darling January 31 2015, 07:23:09 UTC
You just made me laugh, and I haven't done that all day, so THANK YOU. XD <333333


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