
Dec 01, 2013 22:09

Things have been really rocky.  I feel like I'm hardly around these days, and the truth is that I don't know what to say.  There's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes, stuff I can't talk about, and it's taking up a whole lot of energy that I would normally be using to get things done, so I've been accomplishing very little.  Apologies to friends if  I seem distant or am not around as much as usual.  This is temporary, and I still love you all.

My computer is in the shop, and it's becoming clear I need to get a new one, so I guess a good chunk of the next campaign will go to that.  I'm excited by the prospect of getting a better machine, but not so excited about the money.

The cats are coping.  Smooch and Sif don't seem to be concerned.  After several nights of melodramatically sleeping more or less directly on my face, Etrigan has regained some equilibrium and is acting normal.  Every once in a while he gets broody, but he's very stupid, and it passes quickly as he forgets what he was thinking about.  I'm glad he's doing better, because watching him be sad was just heartbreaking.

I'm about done with the edits for the print version of Queen of the Sky Frontier.  It will be nice to have that out of the way.

Also, all of you who purchased the little 4" x 6" incentive drawings for the Throne of the Depths campaign, I have finished them and will be sending those out fairly soon -- next time I can get to the post office.  I don't know when that will be.  This week hopefully, but surely by the next.  I'm pleased with them.  Simple, pretty, and elegant.  Black and white on most, black and white and gray on some.  I think everyone will like them very much.

That's as much as I have in me for now.  I have to get back to proofing, and see about getting an address list together for the drawings.

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