It finally happened. Someone on FetLife asking if I, who state three times in my profile that I am a dominant woman, would like to "experiment" with submitting to them, a dominant man.
For the record, I do not state anywhere that I am submissive, and I do not state anywhere that I am a switch. I have myself listed as "35, F, Dom."
I talk at length about what I would like in a subby boy playmate. . . . I am not seeing where the guy got this idea, unless it's because he's wanting to bring out my inner submissive nature with his true domly domliness.
Because . . . all women are inherently submissive by nature, I guess?
Sorry, dude. I do not even have to look to tell that you do not have the magical prizewinning golden-ticket twat-taming lordly dom-cock. You are clearly not smart enough to handle me as a friend, let alone a playmate, and you aren't respectful enough to walk a dog on a leash, let alone a human being. You're cute. Bye bye.
I feel like I've passed some sort of milestone. It's "Last Asshole Like This for 200 Miles", hopefully.
I'm surprised it's taken this long, frankly, but I'm almost never on FetLife; I really despise it, and only go there periodically to check my messages for such gems as this.
The painfully sad part is that his message is the first unsolicited message I have ever received on FetLife that had no grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. He was articulate, and actually very polite barring the completely unacceptable assholery of making that assumption about me.
I am never, ever, ever going to find a puppy. It's never going to happen. Jesus.
X-posted from Dreamwidth.
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