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ashbet December 8 2012, 17:02:12 UTC
*wild applause* DAMN STRAIGHT.

One suggestion -- I have the same problem with cats knocking over cups of water (and/or STICKING THEIR POINTY LITTLE HEADS IN TO DRINK OUT OF THEM, I am LOOKING AT YOU, Bastian!!), and I've found that it works to keep a bottle of water on my bedside table instead. I just buy one bottle of water, and then re-fill the bottle from the tap until the bottle finally gives up the ghost in a month or so, at which point I'll buy another bottle of water. Having a LID on it helps a lot!


-- A <3


naamah_darling December 8 2012, 19:56:41 UTC
I'm so torn! Because I can use bottles, but the Very Old Cat has issues with the Asshole Cats who like to "play with her" when she tries to drink in the kitchen. And she's nervous anyway, so she just runs. So I let her drink from my cup. She's fantastic and never tips it. SMOOCH on the other hand, knocks it over EVERY TIME.

I figure I can deal with a damp arm of the couch, if this is the only way Sif will drink. She's Very Old, so it won't be trouble much longer, and I'll miss it someday, so . . . .

Now, in the bedroom? By the bed? I KEEP A BOTTLE. *lol* (Until I lose it, and have to wait to remember to save another one. But I try.)


ashbet December 8 2012, 20:07:28 UTC
Maybe have a bottle for you and a cup for Sif? :)

I'm getting a kitty drinking fountain for my birthday from Josh (because he knows the way to my heart is through my cats), because TinTin (divalea's kitty) is faster at getting to the sink than Zuul is -- and they're still working out dominance stuff (mostly stare-downs & occasional growling), but the sink is one of Zuul's greatest pleasures... so I'm hoping that the water fountain will keep them both happy, since it runs all the time & doesn't require a human to sit around in the bathroom until they're done drinking ;)




naamah_darling December 8 2012, 21:37:13 UTC
Akshuly, if it's not too much trouble, and you remember, lemme know how the fountain works out? Because I've been considering the same thing for our cats, and am reluctant to commit without actually talking to someone who has used one, and currently I don't know anyone.


jadziabryn December 8 2012, 22:42:05 UTC
Hi! This is me butting into your conversation with someone else! :D ( ... )


savannahdreamer December 8 2012, 22:44:45 UTC
I have one, it is AMAZING. My anxious cat won't drink from non running water and leaving a sin on was killing me financially, so I spent the 40 bucks. I have had the same one for... 4 years now? It is easy to clean, you fill it by pouring a pitcher of water in in the morning, and I clean it about once a week cause long haired cat plays in it and clogs it with her fluffiness. BEST 40 bucks I spent ever on my cats.


ashbet December 8 2012, 23:10:43 UTC

The model I'm getting is the same one that lita2003 uses for her kittens -- they love it, and it's easy to fill and clean. You have to take it apart and clean it every few months (I think she got it in July, and they just had to take it apart for the first time recently), but it's not hard to do, according to mr_rubix. It filters the water as it passes through, so it stays clean.

The one she has is this model, and a good money-saving tip is that it uses fancy filters made to go with it, but you can substitute regular aquarium filters and get 12 for the same price as 3 of the Drinkwell filters.

I'll let you know how my three take to it!



ashbet December 8 2012, 23:11:32 UTC

The model I'm getting is the same one that lita2003 uses for her kittens -- they love it, and it's easy to fill and clean. You have to take it apart and clean it every few months (I think she got it in July, and they just had to take it apart for the first time recently), but it's not hard to do, according to mr_rubix. It filters the water as it passes through, so it stays clean.

The one she has is this model, and a good money-saving tip is that it uses fancy filters made to go with it, but you can substitute regular aquarium filters and get 12 for the same price as 3 of the Drinkwell filters.

I'll let you know how my three take to it!



ashbet December 8 2012, 23:20:22 UTC
Er . . . no idea why that happened. LJ is acting up again -- pardon the double comment screwiness!


btrflysgrbaby December 9 2012, 02:18:25 UTC
We use one for ours, and the drink lots more than they used to.


thediva_laments December 9 2012, 02:55:22 UTC
We have two fountains. One is a Petmate that I've had so long I've had to replace the motor once. All of my animals drink out of it and LOVE it. They prefer it to standing bowls. The other is another brand I can't remember right now but oldest cat and youngest dachshund prefer it a little more to the Petmate which the oldest dog and youngest cat prefer. Go figure. Both are great, run silently, and are dishwasher safe for cleaning. I'd absolutely suggest getting one.


elialshadowpine December 11 2012, 11:05:18 UTC
We had, I think, a PetMate brand one that they ADORED until it broke. We've been meaning to get around to getting a new one but keep forgetting about it.


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