
Jul 16, 2012 11:44

My uncle used to call me "Mess," because I was a perpetually disheveled, dirty child who never left a room less messy than when she went into it. I always kind of liked the nickname, since I never felt it was meant cruelly, and I pretty much knew I deserved it and mostly did not care. Now I find myself feeling a lot like that little girl again. ( Read more... )


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Comments 25

labelleizzy July 16 2012, 18:58:17 UTC
I don't have words to help, but I continue to listen and sympathize and hope that things will get better.



brightlotusmoon July 16 2012, 19:08:19 UTC
Oh my gods, fuck the whole "You can be freely happy with no money and no possessions yay" bullshit ( ... )


flewellyn July 16 2012, 19:51:34 UTC
Funny how the people who say "You can be perfectly happy without possessions!" don't seem eager to give up their own...


naamah_darling July 16 2012, 19:53:43 UTC
No, they always have just enough, and never more than they need. 9_9

Gag me.


runningnekkid July 16 2012, 20:26:08 UTC
My childhood nickname was Messy Bessie. That is not the only thing we have in common.

What people never understand is that this *is* me trying. I try really hard, every day. In fact, every second of every day. And if you spend all of your time trying to not just have a complete breakdown, then there is little energy to spend on anything else. So I can definitely relate to and empathize with how infuriating it can be when people tell you not only how to be "better", but that you ought to be better.

Things need to change, and only some of what needs changing is internal. Our entire society needs to see value in helping people maintain their mental and physical health. Our society needs to not just expect people to help themselves, but allow people to do it.

For whatever it's worth, thank you for being so open about your struggle. It helps me be more open with mine. If we're all more vocal, maybe it'll be harder to keep us all silenced. And easier to keep us all not just merely surviving, but actually alive.


innostrantsa July 16 2012, 20:27:11 UTC
Yes. Funny how that works; it's always those who've had enough, or been lucky to get enough, or who've never really had to worry about getting what they want-- be it food, shelter, means, gainful employ, love-- who are more than happy to tell the rest of us how we're Doing It Wrong, and how these other people are just fine despite being worse off, and don't you really think you ought to take a tip from them?

You could be fine, too, if you only did $ACTION.
You could be so pretty, if you only did $ACTION.
You'd be so much healthier if you only did $ACTION and let go of all that anger/hate/sadness/depression/WHATEVER.

It's all the same horseshit, omg, seriously. That's a just-now connection, but seriously, it's all bullshit! Wow.


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