WHAT: Temporary home for one very sweet cat!
WHERE: Buffalo, NY
WHO CAN HELP: Anyone in NY state area!
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Yeah, so,
foxfury is
in a bad living situation with roommates who are treating her cat horribly. Like any of us would, Fox is moving the hell out of there, but has to make other living arrangements, and that takes time.
Someone needs to take the kitty, named Velvet, temporarily. Of course
foxfury doesn't want to part with her forever, but will if that's the only way to get the kitty safe. No-kill shelters are an option, but, understandably, not one Fox wants to take. Velvet is her friend.
Here is a post where you can contact Fox. They're watching comments and answering questions.
Fox's email is available on their profile, or they can be contacted via LJ PM.
I don't have pics at this time, so assume that she is adorable, and that she looks very, very sad right now. She is poking you with one very soft paw, and could use a snuggle.
She's a panther kitty, like Etrigan. She has clearly mastered the dubious "do not touch my yarn ball" stare.
Can I get a signal boost on this, if you have friends in NY, friends of friends who are in NY, or even one reader? This is one kitty in a bad, sad situation that might get worse, and the home is temporary. I think this is doable very quickly if we can reach the right people. I've told Fox we can help. Let's do that.
Can you help? Link! (Fox, darlin', I don't have a pronoun for you. I apologize for any awkward wording.)
X-posted from Dreamwidth.
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