Fuck yes, I did.

Jun 28, 2012 15:42

I am back from the clinic, and I'm exhausted and still kind of pissed after a cockup at the front desk led to an hour-long wait that almost broke me, but I wanted to say that when confronted with resistance, I kicked ass and took names, and the very nice lady I spoke to changed that "mild and fine with meds and therapy" shit to wording I approved. And I do approve.

I won. The goddamn truth is in my fucking record, right at the beginning, and I have copies of EVERYTHING.

More later, but for now, I am a fuckin' rock star. Can I get a HELL YEAH?

Thank y'all for making this possible with your ideas and support and for backing me up on what I thought was right. Y'all know me better than any clinician. I trust you.

And thank you, Sargon, for everything.

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r2m, lycanthropy

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