
Jun 04, 2012 14:33

My big project over the past few days: sorting through and organizing some 15 years' worth of gaming notes and character sheets. Because I am proud of the feat and inordinately pleased by the presence of all my imaginary people in one place, I am making you look at the magnificent results:


This is nearly everything I have run or played since we switched gaming systems away from AD&D to our modified Chaosium/Call of Cthulhu rules, packed into a cannibalized old Priority Mail box until I can find them a better home.

I'm still missing some characters. My best guess is around a dozen, all from around the same time period. They have to be together somewhere, and I really hope I can find them because some really important characters are in there.

It's kind of awesome to look at it all bundled up like that. It still fits in one smallish box, but holy crap, ALL THE THINGS. There's around 120 characters in the player character section. Given that, it's not surprising that there are some I do not remember. What is surprising is that I remember most of them pretty darn well.

At first I crammed them into file folders fourteen at a time (that's all the room I had on the index cards), but I quickly realized I had to impose some sort of order on them, so I got some more folders and divided them up into about twenty major categories.

FOR MY AMUSEMENT (AKA I suffered for this, now you have to suffer, too!) I now present that list:

Historical AU
Modern AU
When the Winter Falls Analog
2nd-World Historical Other
2nd-World High/Epic Fantasy
Group Game Characters
Nine Seas
Land of Fable
Washington State
Arcadia, MO
Weird/Wild West
Pulp Adventure 1800-1899
Pulp Adventure 1900-Present

The rest are all individual characters with lots and lots of notes, or notes for settings and games I ran.

I still need to go through sheet by sheet and make sure I didn't miss or misfile anyone, note who is in each file, compile a master list on a separate sheet of paper, and date each character to place on a timeline.

This is an ongoing project. Obviously.

And I haven't even touched the inch-thick stack of AD&D characters, or the foot-high pile of notebooks and binders that are my AD&D campaign notes.

All but a few of these are one-on-one characters I played with Sargon. Sometimes I feel like I can't justify calling myself a "gamer" when I have almost no patience for boxed or module adventures, number-crunching, or wargaming, and when I've only played in a handful of group games (and disliked all but two of those groups) and haven't run any, but, holy crap, there's over 120 player-characters who say differently, and a small army of NPCs. Clearly this is My Thing.

So this, in a box, is my Bar of Lost Souls. It's the most precious thing I own. You're looking at me, right there. The innards of my creative self.

Doesn't look like much, but isn't it beautiful?

* Yes, Burroughs' Mars is part of our acknowledged continuity. Yes, it's awesome.

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gaming, lost souls

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