Guard said stop? Just KILL 'EM WITH YOUR AWESOME.

Feb 25, 2012 08:00

So, after THAT downer, here's something unabashedly all about the fucking coolness.

I wasn't sure the gilding would work, and almost didn't do it because it looked so kickass before.

Here's what it looked like before the gilding:

I really do think it looks even more awesome now.

I plan on using it to hold the THOUSAND TINY SHARDS OF MY BROKEN HEART now that the Ezio games have wrapped.

I don't fangirl over many things, and don't commit fan art very often, but when I do, I GILD THE SHIT OUT OF IT.

I am showing you this puppy before it gets put away for, like, eight weeks, because I'm about to apply the same crackle finish I used on my playing card box. I really want to have it ready for Thing I Made Thursday this week, but there's no way that's happening. That stuff takes for-e-ver to dry, which is why I will never, ever, ever use it on a commission.


When this comes out the other side, it will look so kickass that innocent onlookers will go home and discover that they have my footprint on their backsides. And in the middle of my footprint is the assassin seal.

I am, however, already trying to decide what to put in the photo shoot with it. I don't have a hidden blade, alas. Ideas? I do have a lot of feathers.

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art, boxes, pics

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