And now for something completely different.

Oct 13, 2011 11:23

Yup, still in love with this guy.

I mean, really. Why were the chicks not all over this guy? This is obviously a cultured, intelligent cat that will recite poetry to you while you stand on your balcony, thinking to yourself, "What I really need in my life is a guy who sleeps with his face in his water dish and wants to cuddle when I'm on the toilet. A guy who will save me from my glasses by dragging them off my face and hiding them under the blanket. A guy who smells kind of like socks and mushrooms. This guy."

We are so seldom sure when we've done the right thing. Life doesn't always work like that, you know? This time, I am sure. Smooch was the absolute right thing.

You guys, I love him so much it isn't fair. I would love him even if his face wasn't so silly. That is how much I love him.

The face is just the sugar on top.

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kitty pics, cuteness, smooch, pics, cats, animals

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