Jul 07, 2011 23:52
We met two adorable cats tonight, and now we have to choose between them.
"Smooch" is the smoosh-faced one-eyed cat. He's purebred Himalayan, VERY goofy-looking, laid-back, and from my initial impression, sedentary and not too bright (both pluses, frankly). He was born with one eye (blue) and a crooked face. He's seven months old, and from the size of his paws and the set of his legs he's going to be LARGE. He's beautiful, adorable, and silly-looking. And the floof factor is simply delightful, he feels like soft, soft lambswool all over. He was in a new place and was a little uncertain, but not unfriendly or scared. He just wasn't all over us. We didn't not click, but that connection wasn't there immediately. I have no doubt it would be, he's very loving and cuddly, but it wasn't immediate.
"Roadie" is a wiry little black shorthair with a very Siamese build, a simply ravishing face, and a lot of personality. He's playful, laid back, likes other cats, and is about four months old, still in major kitten territory. Someone threw him out of a car (sons of bitches), so he had a couple of baby teeth knocked out, but the others may grow in just fine. He's got a bit of road rash on his face, some scars, but nothing that will be visible even two months from now. He will look totally normal. And he totally, totally sold himself. Purring, kisses, playful, snuggly, everything. His personality (please forgive me for using a glurge-worthy phrase here) really just sparkles.
I don't think there's a bad choice here, I think they could both do well with us, but I'm torn. If it was just me, I'd take Smooch. He is physically and psychologically everything I want in a cat. He requires extra care (daily grooming, cleaning his face and ears, making sure his empty eyesocket is clean, etc.) but nothing I would find bothersome. I really don't mind at all. I really love the floof. I miss having long, soft fur to put my face in.
Roadie is likely to be a better match for Fish, though, and that is a big deal, since a HUGE part of this is getting her a friend. I have more confidence in his ability to integrate into the household, even though he will be more of a pain in terms of getting into stuff and just generally being A Kitten. Roadie would also be more low-maintenance. He's a domestic shorthair (no floof), radiates health, and has that alley-cat hybrid vigor thing going on.
I would feel bad on passing on Smooch, since he's a once-in-a-lifetime chance to have a really silly-looking cat, and I worry about his odds of being adopted vs. the kitten, because the kitten is adorable, personable, and knows how to sell himself. I want a gimpy-looking cat that I can love for being imperfect, I want one that needs me, I really, really do, but every cat is one-of-a-kind, gimpy face or not, and any cat I take in will need me.
We just HAD to look at the little one. Threw a wrench right into things.
new cat