Pride and Prostitutes: Chapter 48

Feb 23, 2011 04:26

Pride and Prostitutes Chapter 48: Meet Me at the Graveyard is up over at fever_dreams!

More sexy fun, and then a hell of a cliffhanger!

Books acquire their own sort of momentum toward the end. It's one of the more awesome things about writing when it's going well. This is going really well. We write several chapters ahead, so right now we're just hitting the middle of the climactic battle. I'm really happy with and excited about all the chapters from here on out. It's impossible to talk specifics without getting spoilery, which can be frustrating. I will say that Abe and London Jack have a moment of lolarious awesome that should make everyone happy. Moments like that, I really, really wish we could film this.

I think that we've done really well. Publishing serially like this means that the whole thing is published as a rough draft, which is kind of hair-raising at times. We can go back and tweak things like the color of the curtains or whether or not the bed has a canopy, but larger changes aren't really possible. Your cards are all on the table, and there's no taking them back.

Lots of thanks to our donors, who have kept this project going, and kept us going. Here's hoping we can keep doing that! If you want to join in, any amount will do it! Just make sure we can link your LJ name to your email address so there's no confusion!

porn, pride and prostitutes, smut peddling

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