Pride and Prostitutes Chapter 31

Jan 14, 2011 04:54

Pride and Prostitutes Chapter 31: Bad Daddy is up over at fever_dreams!

This one has a shiny red label on it:

Trigger Warning: It's not really incest, but it's still very very wrong.

I know this bothers some people, so even though it's not real incest, it's just Dolly pretending, I thought a warning might be in order. Considering how omnipresent actual incest was in genuine Victorian porn, I suppose it could have been WAY worse. (Case in point, Astrid Cane, which is both wonderful and terrible, and certainly exuberant, and which features eleven dozen kinds of wrong.)

That said, this is one of my absolute favorite chapters. I love Daddy Gentry* in a very deep and very wrong way, and am glad to finally get him on screen. And that's not just my very deep and very wrong lust for Jason Isaacs speaking. (Although a bare-handed spanking from him is one of the biggies in my bucket list.)

I'm going to be trying to trigger-label some of the more extreme stuff from here out, and hopefully I will have time to go back and do the previous entries before too long. While this particular entry isn't really all that bad as these things go, I do want to (in a totally friendly way, not a pissy way) reiterate what I have said in the fever_dreams userinfo, which is that including reprehensible criminal acts in porn/erotica is not an endorsement or a diminishing of actual crimes, nor is it an exploitation of the victims and survivors of those crimes.

It's fantasy.

I don't think fantasy should be taboo just because some people and some things are reprehensible. Fantasy is not reality, and I've long since given up feeling guilty about what works for me. Sargon and I write as a team, and we write more or less what we would like to read, because there isn't much of that stuff out there that's written up to our perverted standards.

Pride and Prostitutes is, in fact, the most vanilla porn I have ever written. If, god save you all, Vengeance and Valor ever sees the light of day (and I will do all it is in my power to do to see that this happens), it's going to get pretty fucked up and wrong toward the end. I think this is a selling point, personally.

But, then, I like having my limits aggressively pushed by porn.

There. I'm done.

Now, on to the part where I urge you to donate. I know it's January, people are skint broke, but any amount -- twenty dollars, ten, two -- gets you in. Leave your LJ handle in the Paypal message thingy or email Sargon at sargon999 at gmail with it.

* Oh, god, you guys in the gaming group, no, he's no relation, although the Fables certainly visited the Gentrys more than once. I think it might be Tom/Honor's wishful thinking. Who wouldn't want Jo for a mom?

Shut up, Xander.

porn, pride and prostitutes, smut peddling

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